Whether you celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday in the US,
or just use this time off to kick it with family,
or spend the day hiking within natural wonders,
or do the Thursday sunnah fast,
or intentionally do not celebrate this day while acknowledging the g3n0c!d3 perpetuated to create the US,
or if you’re working today,
remember that, in every situation, part of gratitude to God is thanking the people in your life.
I thank my husband.
I thank my children.
I thank my parents.
I thank my sisters.
I thank my friends.
I thank my neighbors.
I thank my masjid community.
I thank my teachers.
I thank my shaykh.
I thank the Nacotchtank who stewarded this land I live on.
I thank the people who work in grocery stores on holidays.
I thank you.
I thank Muhammad ﷺ.
I thank Allah.