Introducing Forty Green Hadith: Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ on Environmental Justice & Sustainability!
Saarah Latif and I met when we were both accepted to the Greenfaith Fellowship Program in 2018. We have been steadily working on our fellowship leadership project and are super excited to finally share our efforts with the world!
We hope this free ebook will be a handy guide to download on your smartphone, laptop, or tablet whenever you wonder about or reflect on eco-teachings present in the life of a man whom Allah called a mercy to all the worlds. This collection can also be handy in interfaith settings.
Finally, we have our own hadith collection to reference at the ready. Read them. Contemplate them. Share them. Discuss them. Put them into practice inshaAllah.
May Allah accept.
Download the Forty Green Hadith ebook now: tiny.cc/40greenhadith