Khalifa Conversations with Dr. Munjed Murad

Join Green Muslims and Green Ramadan at MakeSpace for our next Khalifa Conversations with Dr. Mujed Murad on Sunday, August 18 from 2 – 3:30PM EST.

You can either join us via Zoom or in-person at MakeSpace HQ: 6082 Franconia Road, Ste. D, Alexandria, VA 22310

Registration is required at

This event is funded by a grant program from Islamic Relief USA and is supported by MakeSpace. JazakAllah khair!

“Contemplating for an hour is better than praying all night.”

Contemplating Allah’s ayat (signs) in the natural world is therapeutic, but more importantly, beneficial to our iman (faith).

Abu Darda (ra) was a companion of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ who was distinguished by his love of deep reflection and contemplation. Abu Darda said, “Contemplating for an hour is better than praying all night.”

The purpose of meditation is to give you a sense of peace, balance, and connect you with your inner self.

In contrast, the purpose of an Islamically-based contemplation and reflection is to connect you with the Source of peace and balance, Allah subhanAllah wa ta’ala!

The intention makes all the difference because “actions are but by their intentions, and every person will have that which they intended.” (Bukhari)

Learn How to Sight the Moon: Muharram 2024

Happy Hijri New Year! It’s time to sight the hilal for Muharram 1446 inshaAllah.

On Saturday, 6 July 2024, the hilal should be visible for much of the US, Central America, and northern parts of South America inshaAllah. The whole world will be able to see the hilal on Sunday, 7 July 2024 inshaAllah.