Join us for Khalifa Conversations on Wednesday

Khalifa Conversations is two Muslim environmental activists — Sevim from Green Muslims and myself — having conversations on what it means to be a Green Muslim in the time of COVID-19.

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We believe this Ramadan can be different in the best way possible. There will be more time for developing stronger personal connections with Allah, nature-inspired reflections, and time to practice prophetically-based sustainable habits that increase us in the love of the Prophet ﷺ and connection to the planet.

Join us with your comments & questions on Wednesdays at 3PM ET via Zoom at


Central to Islam, and thus Islamic environmentalism, is the concept of balance. There is balance in terms of opposites — night & day, birth & death, sun & moon, fire & water, heaven & earth — and balance in terms of moderation — seeking the middle path between rights and duties.

Balance itself is a creation of Allah (glorious & exalted is He) and one of His signs that point to His existence, magnificence, and mercy. Seeing His creation out of balance is also a sign that we need to pause, reflect and take action.

We can clearly see the earth is out of balance: extinction and loss of species biodiversity, extreme temperatures, glacial melt, rising sea-levels, as well as increased frequency of intense weather events like hurricanes, fires, and droughts.

Our goal as Muslims is to move away from the extremes of extravagance, excess and wastefulness that have contributed to an unbalanced earth, and return to a moderate and just way of living and being.

And the heaven He raised and imposed the balance
That you not transgress within the balance.
And establish weight in justice and do not make deficient the balance.

Holy Quran, Surah Ar-Rahman 55:7-9

English translation by Sahih International via

? @draufsicht via @unsplash

We are the Khalifa

Set your intention to do one small thing this Ramadan.

Eat less meat.
Use reusables.
Make wudhu responsibly.

Allah (glorious & exalted is He) has called us khala’ifa in the Quran. We are stewards or caretakers with a sacred responsibility to protect & nurture our shared Earth.

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“And it is He who has made you successors upon the earth and has raised some of you above others in degrees [of rank] that He may try you through what He has given you. Indeed, your Lord is swift in penalty; but indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful.” The Holy Quran, Surah Al An’am 6:165

English translation by Sahih International via